STL And Beyond
Sublunar is an adventurer, photographer and vigilante historian based in Saint Louis, Missouri.
This website was designed to provide an easily navigable gallery to supplement the ongoing photoblog, which is also linked in the top menu of the site. Through these outlets I bring you the result of years of concentrated efforts to uncover forgotten corners of the city, from Saint Louis to elsewhere across the country. My comrades and I perform adventure not just to take pictures but to appreciate these locations before they're gone forever.
History can be found in textbooks and museums, but there is perhaps no greater thrill than that which comes with crawling into it head first.
For additional ease in navigating the entries here, they are indexed by category: Industrial - Institutional - Residential - Commercial. Furthermore, you can search for keywords provided by the google search bar located on the right side of this window.
All of the images here are copyrighted* and are not to be used for any purpose without my written consent. *Except historical images which are either public domain or courtesty of the Historical Society.
"Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints."
sublunar at live dot com